
Baby Dylan your mommy and daddy have been praying for you before you were born. I remember when Brittany reached out to me shortly after Logan was born congratulating me and inquiring if I’d be interested in photographing a birth. She wasn’t pregnant yet, but they were trying and she was already thinking ahead and dreaming of her birth experience. Brittany ended up with a C-section with her first son and really wanted to have the opportunity of a vaginal birth. I was so excited when she announced they were expecting and prayed she would get to have her dream birth. I would check in with her every now and then and each time she’d say he’s measuring 3 weeks ahead! Toward the end of her pregnancy she was so nervous he was going to be too big to have a vaginal birth and her doctor advised against it as her due date was approaching and she wasn’t showing any signs of going into labor on her own. Brittany followed her doctor’s advice and went ahead with a C-section.

I must have refreshed my facebook every minute the morning of Sept. 10th waiting for an update. Finally, her mom posted a photo of a tiny, adorable, baby boy. Dylan managed to trick his parents and his doctor and was a far cry from the 10 lb baby they were expecting! He weighed in at 7 lbs 3 oz and 19 1/4 inches long. Thankfully, although Brittany wasn’t able to have the birth she had hoped for, she did have a much better experience with her C-section and was feeling great. The day of his session, she floated around like she never had surgery!

Brittany and Richie, thank you for bringing me into your lives for all your special milestones. I am truly honored to be able to capture these moments for you and I am so happy for you both. I can’t wait to see where you go from here. 😉

Zoey’s Birth Story

Besides my own son’s birth, I’ve never experienced witnessing a birth and I was truly honored when my brother-in-law and his girlfriend agreed to let me photograph my niece’s birth. The whole process was an emotional rollercoaster and the whole room was buzzing with excitement. Jenny was being induced and I went with them as they got settled into their room and began the induction process. I could see reality setting in when George looked around the room with wide eyes and their nerves really began to surface. I assured them everything will be fine and it will all be worth it in the end when they’re holding Zoey in their arms. Having been induced myself, I knew it was going to be a long night for them so once they were all settled, I said my goodbyes and left them to rest.

I returned the next morning shortly after Jenny had received her epidural. She experienced contractions all through the night and was slowly progressing. Once she had her epidural, the doctor came in to break her water and start Pitocin to strengthen her contractions. After an hour she had only progressed 1cm so we settled in for what was surely going to be a long day. George, my mother-in-law, and I decided to quickly run down to the café to get some coffee and sure enough in the 10 min we were gone, Jenny began experiencing really strong contractions that were taking a toll on her. The nurse checked her and she had progressed 2cm. 2cm in 20 min! She was beginning transition and I knew it wouldn’t be long before it would be time for her to push.

George wiped away Jenny’s tears while holding her hand and assuring her everything will be ok. He never left her side again and I was so proud of him for being such a strong support for Jenny. About 15 minutes later, Jenny began to feel a lot of pressure and we immediately paged the nurse to check her again. She was now 9cm. They turned the Pitocin off as her doctor was about to go into a C-section and they didn’t want her to deliver in the middle of it. Not even 5 minutes later she said she couldn’t fight the urge to push so we paged the nurse again. Sure enough she was 10cm and ready to go! The nurse called the doctor immediately and was able to catch him just before they began the anesthesia for the C-section.

You could feel the excitement and nervousness in the room as I tried to find the best place I could to capture the moment amongst all the people. I ended up standing on a chair to be able to see their faces over everyone’s shoulder. Once Jenny began to push, I could feel myself holding my breath. I could see the pain on her face and I know the exhaustion that comes with pushing. George continued to wipe her tears and whisper encouragement in her ear and after a handful of pushes, Zoey was out. Tears streamed down my face as I attempted to capture their first glimpse of her. I was in awe of how strong Jenny was throughout the whole process and what amazing things a woman’s body can do. I felt like I witnessed one of God’s miracles and I will never forget that moment.

Zoey made her grand entrance on September 19, 2014 at 2:50pm weighing 8 lbs 13 ounces and 19 inches long. We are all so in love with her and can’t wait to see the new dynamic she brings to our family. George and Jenny, you are blessed to have such a beautiful and healthy daughter. I pray God continues to bless your family and I love you all with all my heart.

George and Jenny: Wolf Lake Maternity

In honor of my niece, Zoey, being evicted tomorrow, I thought I’d do a #TBT post and share George and Jenny’s maternity session from a few months ago. I still can’t believe my brother-in-law is having a baby. It seems like just yesterday he was sleeping over and flexing his muscles in front of the mirror before bed or singing at the top of his lungs with me in the car. While Steve was in the Marine Corps for four years, George really became my best friend and biggest support. He went everywhere with me, even my high school senior homecoming and prom. We were inseparable. I’m so proud of the man he’s become and I can’t wait to see him in his new role as a father. I know that he’ll do whatever it takes to protect and provide for his family. Jenny has been gracious enough to give me the opportunity to photograph her birth. I feel so honored to be able to witness such an emotional miracle and I have butterflies just thinking about it. Tomorrow can’t come soon enough, when we can all finally meet the newest princess of the family!

I can’t forget big brother, Jacob. He’s going to be an amazing big brother to Zoey. He’s so loving toward his momma and gives Zoey kisses through her belly. When I asked him what he was going to do when Zoey cries, he sweetly responded, “Rub her back.”



Kate & Mike: Bill Baggs Engagement

After emailing back and forth over the past few months, the day had finally come for Kate and Mike’s engagement session. Kate was nervous and I assured her, she had nothing to worry about. The weather was beautiful, the outfits were perfectly coordinated, and there was chemistry between them. After a few frames, I knew this was going to easily become one of my favorite shoots. Kate and Mike are getting married this fall in a gorgeous and unique venue called the Bamboo Gallery. I can’t wait! Kate is going to be a stunning bride with an equally handsome groom by her side. I mean look at these two! They are one gorgeous couple! They even brought along their adorable pup for a few photos too.

Kate and Mike, thank you for giving me this opportunity to capture your love. I had so much fun exploring with you guys and I can’t wait for the wedding day! Mike, a huge shout out to you for spending your birthday taking pictures. I made sure Kate gave you lots of birthday love! 😉

Jason and Luz: Shula’s Miami Lakes Wedding

I found myself holding my breath as I watched Luz walk toward Jason with her arm looped in her father’s and tears streaming down her face. Jason’s face immediately lit up when he saw her and he couldn’t help but walk toward her to meet her. Luz’s father handed her over and as they embraced, I could feel the love they have for each other. I will admit I never thought my brother would be the marrying type, but he found his dream girl and made sure to make her, his wife. Luz and Jason came into each other’s lives when they were both at the bottom of life’s rollercoaster. I truly believe they saved each other. Luz brings out a side of my brother I’ve never seen before. He’s loving, attentive, protective, and by her side no matter what. Luz has been battling breast cancer for the past three years, but she doesn’t let it get her down. She has the most positive spirit about her and I admire her undying faith. They didn’t want her cancer to define them so they decided to replace their memory of her diagnosis with a happy one. From now on August 26th won’t be the day their lives changed because of cancer, it will be the day their lives changed because they were joined together as husband and wife.

Jason and Luz, I pray that God may bless your marriage and that you may always find happiness in each other’s eyes, love with all your hearts, and live life to the fullest. I am honored that I was able to witness and document this special occasion for you. I love you both!

A very special thank you to my mom who the past few months has helped Jason and Luz create the wedding of their dreams. She handmade all the ceremony and reception décor to really showcase their personalities. Her attention to detail is like no other and really made their day that much more unique.